1.China has flirted with trying to tighten up its monetary policy to tamp down inflation, but it has not really taken decisive action.
2.If this move becomes excessive, we have to take decisive action. I already instructed my staff on Saturday to be prepared to take action.
3.A look back at the handling of another financial crisis a full century ago underlines the point about decisive action.
4.For all the global approbation for his decisive action a year ago, domestically there has so far been little pidend.
5.Those factors have convinced Obama that if he is going to have any sort of presidency worth its name, he must take decisive action now.
6.But in his opening remarks, Mexican President Felipe Calderon said the world may not be able to wait much longer for decisive action.
7.But in a time of economic difficulty, businesses and organisations do look to their leaders for clarity of thought and decisive action.
8.The Bank of England took decisive action yesterday with the aim of unfreezing wholesale money markets.
9.He said, "there should be no procrastination. Swift, decisive action is needed. "
10.And of course nothing can stand in your way as long as you're taking decisive action.